Everything from "My Computer", "Recycle Bin", Folders, all the way to specific file format icons such as .doc and .xls files and any other file type a user wishes to use. With its shell integration, IconPackager also allows users browsing through their system to right-click on any file and go to the added "Icon" tab and change the icon.
- Thousands of icon packages to choose from on Wincustomize.com
- Use large icons on Windows XP
- Apply random package on boot on Windows XP
- Create icon packages
- Change Windows icons at once by applying icon packages.
- Automatically upscale to extra large size
- Can change the file type icons.
- Recolor icon sets on the fly
- Transform all Windows icons
- Easily preview icons using IconExplorer
- Shell integration to allow for icon changes quickly and easily
- Easily mix and match icons
Screnshoot :
Note : After trying, please Buy the Original Software
Type : Shareware / Price ( Special Offer / Dicount click Homepage )
Homepage : http://www.stardock.com/products/iconpackager/
Password : 321fulldownload.blogspot.com
Type File : .RAR
Download Link
Type : Shareware / Price ( Special Offer / Dicount click Homepage )
Homepage : http://www.stardock.com/products/iconpackager/
Password : 321fulldownload.blogspot.com
Type File : .RAR
Download Link