Roller Coaster Rampage - Tycoon 2012
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Roller Coaster Rampage Full Version - Roller Coaster Rampage is a fast paced, high-scoring, competitive rollercoaster simulator with destructive environments! Players compete to perform the best manual maneuvers, collect the most gems, link to the most track sections, and gain first place on the leaderboards! Roller Coaster Rampage revolutionizes the coaster genre by introducing on-the-fly track construction and deformation. In previous games the coaster riding experience was a passive, non-interactive experience. Roller Coaster Rampage introduces an innovative approach, and a specialized procedural coaster engine that allows players to build coasters in real-time as they ride them. Players leave behind a trail of procedurally-generated coaster tracks and supports, which then become obstacles as the player circles back. While riding players can also dynamically connect to isolated track segments like loops, cobra rolls, bat wings, and barrel rolls. With these innovative game features and engine technology players can now build coasters while enjoying a fast paced, arcade style, roller coaster racing simulator.
- Campaign mode with 30 fast paced challenges of increasing difficulty.
- Build your track rails in real-time through a specialized procedural game engine.
- Perform crazy stunts like corkscrews barrel rolls, outside loops, inverted loops, and more!
- Link to existing tracks including cobra rolls, loops, helix, bat wing, inverted batwing, and more!
- Soar off mammoth jumps for an extra intense, front seat, replay experience.
- Coasters can even derail, slide, and link back to track rails again.
- Addictive gameplay with preferred and alternate paths for an extended replay experience.
- Freeride mode for simply creating wild coasters to upload to the Steam community.
- AI stunt recognition. The more stunts you pull, the higher your leaderboard placement.
- When finished, take a front seat ride in your custom coaster design.
- Destructible environments provide extra points for leaderboard placement.
- In game Global/Friends Leaderboard support along with Achievements and Stats.
- 3D stereoscopic support including 3D Vision, side by side, and above/below modes.
- Custom RGB settings for rail, support, and tie colors.
- Realtime procedural track and support generation with specialized AI.
- Realistic procedural trees with dynamic wind effects.
- Beautiful water effects with reflection and refraction.
- High Dynamic Range lighting effects
Minimum System Requirements
- OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.2 Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+
- Memory: 2 Gb
- Hard Drive: 2 Gb free
- Video Memory: 512 Mb
- Video Card: nVidia GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon HD 2900
- Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
- DirectX: 9.0c
- Keyboard
- Mouse
Link download
Single Files
- JumboFiles | Roller Coaster Rampage - (283MB)
- GlumboUploads | Roller Coaster Rampage - (283MB)
- Zippyshare | Roller Coaster Rampage Part1 - (150MB)
- Zippyshare | Roller Coaster Rampage Part2 - (133MB)
- Sharebeast | Roller Coaster Rampage Part1 - (150MB)
- Sharebeast | Roller Coaster Rampage Part2 - (133MB)
Rar password :
1. Unrar
2. Mount or Burn it
3. Install the game
4. Copy Cracked content into installation directory
5. Play
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