0 Super Hide IP Full Crack

Super Hide IP Full Crack
MediaFire | Sharebeast

Super Hide IP Full Version - Dari beberapa software sejenis yang fungsinya sama yaitu menyembunyikan Real IP Address, Super Hide IP ini lah yang terbaik ( ini adalah penilaian saya sendiri loh ). Selain tidak rakus dalam pemakaian memory, Super Hide IP dapat membantu saya memasuki semua website / forum yang sebelumnya tidak dapat saya akses dan software ini tidak pernah mengecewakan seperti beberapa software sejenis lainnya yang pernah saya gunakan. Nah bagi anda yang merasa kebebasan berinternetnya terganggu, entah itu karena banned IP address yang di lakukan admin suatu forum atau pemblokiran masal ratusan ribu website / blog, dan forum yang di lakukan operator penyedia layanan internet seperti Telkomsel, XL, Indosat dan lainnya. Cobalah Super Hide IP Full Versi ini, dan ucapkan selamat datang pada kebebasan.

Do you know what your IP address means? Are you aware that your IP address is exposed every time you visit a website? Many websites and hackers use IP address to monitor your home address and other personal information. Your IP address is your online identity and could be used by hackers to break into your computer, steal personal information, or commit other crimes against you. Super Hide IP allows you to surf anonymously, keep your IP address hidden, protect your personal information against hackers and provide full encryption of your online activity, all with a simple click of a button.

  • Anonymous Web Surfing
  • Click Hide IP button and you will be assigned fake IP addresses, preventing others from getting your true IP when surfing the Internet.
  • Protect Your Identity
  • Surf anonymously to prevent hackers or identity thieves from monitoring your web activity or intercepting your personal information such as your financial information.
  • Choose IP Country
  • You can select to use fake IP from different countries via "Choose IP Country" option and can Check IP directly.
  • Send Anonymous E-mails
  • Hide your IP in E-mail headers. Be protected while sending e-mails via Yahoo!, Hotmail, GMail.
  • Un-ban Yourself from Forums and Restricted Websites
  • Use Super Hide IP to change your IP which allows you to access any forums or websites that has ever banned you.

Link download
Link password: koskomputer

1. Ekstrak / Unrar
2. Install Super Hide IP
3. Copy & Paste crack ke direktori installasi
4. Enjoy

0 komentar:

:) :( ;) :D ;;-) :-/ :x :P :-* =(( :-O X( :7 B-) :-S #:-S 7:) :(( :)) :| /:) =)) O:-) :-B =; :-c :)] ~X( :-h :-t 8-7 I-) 8-| L-) :-a :-$ [-( :O) 8-} 2:-P (:| =P~ :-? #-o =D7 :-SS @-) :^o :-w 7:P 2):) X_X :!! \m/ :-q :-bd ^#(^ :ar!

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